
Sigh, you still don’t get the difference between reporting a rape to the police and having the DA charge in criminal court vs suing someone in civil court, do you?

Lincecum is even shorter and skinnier and won a Cy Young.

No, idiot, Oscar Pistorius was found guilty in criminal court and sent to jail. And SA has a different court system, it’s a mix of civil and common law. And yes, that’s why OJ didn’t go to jail for the murder of Nicole Brown but still had to pay the families. Civil court cannot send someone to jail and you can’t be

Tim Lincecum seems to be a pretty fair comparison, tbh he’s shorter and skinnier and won the Cy Young.

Cause this 5"9 dude totally didn’t win a few cy youngs or anything...

Are you a fucking idiot? Do you not know what a civil case is versus a criminal case? It’s not different kind of rapes, moron, it’s a different court. There’s no chance Rose goes to jail in this case, this woman is suing him in civil court for money, he’s not being charged in criminal court where the result could be

You’re talking about criminal cases, not civil.

Again, if you read the linked article, that’s what the independent investigator concluded happened:
“The investigator interviewed 23 various witnesses and concluded that “there is no evidence of the complainant’s outward signs of incapacitation that the respondent would have observed prior to 
initiating the sexual

But the independent investigator did interview people and investigate whether or not those criteria were met and found they weren’t...

But witnesses were interviewed...

So we’re going to ignore this tidbit from the original article, which is why the male student was found not guilty in the first place “The investigator interviewed 23 various witnesses and concluded that “there is no evidence of the complainant’s outward signs of incapacitation that the respondent would have observed

This is the first time that headline wasn’t about injuring an opposing player.

There are valid legal reasons why civil rape cases shouldn’t be anonymous.

That’s not what she said though, she said the cop was “sacrificed,” as though the cops did nothing wrong.

Knew this idiocy would come up. Progress is progress.

Cue people saying she only got charged because she was a woman... ugh

You could be right. Ultimately the only way to know is to get into his head or check back in 20 years.

Or they just accept the relationship won’t work, and rather than satisfy one person, break up and try again with other people. Sometimes differences are irreconcilable and this seems like one of those times.

I was with you until the last part. For many people marriage is unreasonable. It’s easier to just say this wouldn’t have worked out regardless, rather than try to blame one side for not compromising.
