
List of People with the surname King who aren't completely horrible:

I find your lack of faith..........disturbing.

This could not possibly be more wrong. Don't ever say this dumb shit again in your life.

Poor Daniel looks like his dad bet his entire life savings on Germany to win the World Cup.

If you can think of a better fish pun, let minnow.

As a fishing enthusiast, York should have known when to reel it in.

He's going to have to suffer the csontequences.

It's way off base to call this guy "Crossfit." A Crosfitter would have had the same attitude, but also would have claimed to be a world-class cyclist, along with being world-class at gymnastics, powerlifting, pullup-doing, and every other imaginable athletic endeavor.

You don't actually understand how the law works, but please, carry on.

Wait, I thought the arm strong guy was supposed to be the one riding the bike.

I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it.

I did the exact same thing once at The Cheesecake Factory. You should have seen the look on that god damn kid's face when I bought up all the cheesecakes in the place. The resulting Chapter 7 bankruptcy was so worth it

Making things worse for Oden, Kevin Durant was spotted buying his girlfriend flowers even though it's totally not her birthday.

"David! David! Are you okay?"

"Hey, that's not a bad nickname..."

Wait til you see what he says about your favorite NFL team in a few weeks!

Since the Yankees won't make the postseason, Jeter's using up his grit and clutchness now to put his mark on the Fall Classic. Classic Mr. November

Dude is 40, your points are valid, but the dude is 40 and its his last season. Let go of your hate.

You're joking right? I mean seriously does anyone believe that the NCAA cares about the education of these athletes.

No shit... Ugh. I'm a photographer too, and I know what I meant when I wrote it, and it's been corrected. Yet still it drags on. *eyeroll*