
I don’t know if the same system is still in place, but Gawker Media’s system was specifically designed to pay for quality over quantity. So pretty much the exact opposite of what you think.

Omg not your SR!?

He could also just keep his mouth shut. 

“It’s a jacket.  There is no hidden message.  It’s not hidden, because it’s there in big bold letters.  Maybe it’s inappropriate, but that’s not the First Lady’s fault.  She didn’t understand it, because English isn’t her first language.  Because she’s an immigrant.  You know what, I’m gonna stop talking”

Doxxing is generally bad, but when the person you’re doxxing is one of the most evil people on earth, go nuts.

Wait what? Why does the price of gas determine how long a tank lasts you?

Boo fucking hoo

Someone mentioned Elon Musk in a less than fawning manner, cue the Musk stans showing up to right the wrong.

I dunno if you played the first game, but it really doesn’t glorify violence at all. You do some very violent things, but in the context of the story and survival, it makes sense and doesn’t seem gratuitous.


Her expenses include $2,200 a month on wardrobe, $10,410 a month on travel and entertainment, $2,317 on staff

It’s interesting that a show about traveling to other countries and learning about the people, food and culture would be interesting to “coastal elites and hipsters.” Maybe he would have had more conservative/midwestern fans if he bombed every third country he visited.

Because until the system in America changes (which I think it will, eventually, because it’s a broken system), your principled stand against tipping doesn’t hurt the business owners setting the policy, it hurts the workers. You can be right and be an asshole at the same time.

H1Z1 didn’t ape PUBG because it came out first and the main designer of PUBG consulted on it.

Someone is extremely Mad Online

They are setting a really high bar for other companies to live up to with community engagement.

Who cares? He makes more money, and parents who don’t want their kids watching a stream with bad language can still watch one of the top streamers. It’s the definition of win/win and people are still mad somehow.

Also interesting that he doesn’t deny it, just says there’s no proof. Huh indeed.

“These libruls in California and New York are trying to change the rules to get more votes so they can ban Jesus, make guns illegal, and force everyone to get annual abortions!”

Yeah, I hate how all those kids wearing Minecraft backpacks, uh (checks notes) ... prevent me from enjoying the game?