Please point out the tip that’s disrespectful.
Oh just fuck off
My dude you sure are making a lot of comments for someone who couldn’t care less.
Man the shit show is not going to stop until 2020 (god fucking forbid 2024). Can’t put everything on hold till then.
It seems really weird that a game as big as this would have one creaky door sound that plays over and over instead of having a few different ones to cycle through.
My daughter went through a phase where it was all Trolls all the time, and I was thankful that it’s as enjoyable as it is. The visuals are really trippy and fun and most of the songs were catchy.
Every time someone mentions that Hillary wasn’t the anointed one that everyone pretended she was, you guys come out of the woodworks to blame them for Trump. I guarantee that however many people truly wanted her to be president, just as many were holding their nose and voting for her because she was Not Trump. Never…
My dude, I would love to know what Facebook you’re on with no conservatives. Because the actual Facebook is lousy with them m
Also if you zoom in and set a waypoint, then zoom out, the waypoint shifts out of position.
I came to this post specifically to make sure that this tweet was included.
Itell not just the ice block, it’s frost nova and blizzard that can prevent you from dealing any minion damage for 4 turns, preventing you from even being able to get close to popping it. That’s usually enough time for them to pull the rest of whatever combo they’re playing.
Man, it will never stop amazing me the hill that some commenters choose to die defending.
It’s organized group buying. Massdrop contacts manufacturers if there’s interest in a product, and they respond with group buy discounts. If 100 people buy, it’s $10 off, if 150 buy, it’s $20 off, etc.
Ah, jealousy. There it is.
Everyone in your life thinks that you’re no fun.
Is that really what you took away from his statement? I don’t think he means it’s costing him money directly or that he’s in any financial trouble personally, more that it might be harder to find sponsors for the show.
“If I were ever to dedicate the time and sanity that these guys give to speedruns and other arbitrary goals in video games, I’d be working on something that I knew would improve the world forever. But instead they do this.