
I guess I’m culturally insensitive. Is this considered to be some form of “black face”? I see it as them imitating their mascot who is a stylized caricature. To me, this falls into same the same boat as drawing pictures of Muhammad. It’s all stupid. Is there a right way to pull this off or is representation of other

A friend of mine’s dad is full blooded Pima and the biggest Cleveland Indian fan I’ve ever known. I once asked him if Chief Wahoo bothered him, he said that instead of worrying about a mascot, people should worry more about the poverty on reservations out west.

From all of us in Cleveland to all of u in the media that have shit on our city for decades, and we mean this from the bottom of our hearts, go fuck yourselves. We could care less about what some pos staff writer on Deadspin has to say. About anything. Especially your feelings about Chief Wahoo. Suck it up buttercup

You’re making this comment on a site that regularly asks its readers if they would fuck some random dude political/public figure. Usually played for laughs.

Sounds like all of his children should be immediately removed from that family’s sphere of influence. And potentially out of the community that apparently wants a rapist father back.

The thing about folks from Boston is that they are usually insufferable even without sports.

It’s stupid, but just as arbitrary as alternating years. At least Kluber won the All Star game, in a game that 4 Cubs started.

I’m not sure there’s anything rote about giving the ball in game five to a rookie with something like 11 major league innings under his belt. I mean that in and of itself is insane, to say nothing of the fact that the kid went out there and shut Toronto down to win the pennant.

God I love Hammy.

Take it easy, Toledo


This is so damn important. As the local radio annoucer put it, they walked up to basically a rookie, put a damn ball in his hand, and told him to pitch them into the World Series against one of the fiercest lineups in baseball. And he then did. It’s unbelievable except for the fact it happened.

“You can’t bring Miller in this ear-”

Why can’t everyone just realize that girls rule and women are funny? Get over it.

That whining about voter suppression is disingenuous when you don’t call out your own party for doing it.

Literally every campaign does that. The idea that this is some thuggish Trump tactic is just wrong. There’s more than enough wrong with the actual Trump campaign to not have to make shit up.

It’s one of the uniformed white dudes he’s complaining about. He’s just wearing blackface.

Wow, you quit Lost after the pilot, which is arguably considered the best 1st episode to any show every?

It took 30 years of working at Burger King for you to feel ashamed?