
Westbrook did send a flailing leg Green’s way that definitely could have hit him in the balls.

Male characters have had their heads dipped in molten gold, been burned / skinned alive, had their genitals cut off, had their eyes gouged out and heads smashed, etc. in addition to plenty of them being plain ol’ broken (psychologically speaking).

I don’t know, that seems like a quintessentially Italian way to deal with frustration to me.

Haisley doesn’t hate MLS?! You’re not from around these parts, are you?

Look, soccer is just too boring for a guy who has spent 5 hours a day for 30 years debating middle reliever usage in regular season baseball games.

19th year in a row in the UCL. 20th year in a row with a top 4 finish. In the previous 110 years before Wenger took over, the club only managed 25 top 4 finishes. He is a stubborn, stubborn man (bringing in zero field players last summer? Really, Arsene? No excuse for that.), but he does get results. Trophies? Not big

And who exactly do you want as the manager? Jose? Pellegrini? Or is there someone else available? This is what I don’t understand at all about the Arsenal fans.

You are a fucking moron.

Spurs’ smart recruitment and development and coaching fared better against Leicester’s cosmically ordained championship charge than did all the riches of Chelsea, the two Manchester clubs, and Arsenal.

Arsenal fans are in no way content with this season because they finished above Tottenham. They just think that the manner in which it happened is fucking hysterical, which it is.

core of young players who are only going to improve

to be fair, Newcastle only scored 3 goals after going a man down. Not all 5.

I’m laughing about Tottenham, who need a measly 3 points from their last 4 to finish second. They got two, because they are shit.

Now playing

We did lose the league to Leicester by 10 points. And you lost it by 11.

And because they have good young English players. The British media (which is where the US media gets its takes) eat that shit up.

The point is, even when Arsenal fail horribly, as they did this year, they STILL finish above Spurs, which is fucking hilarious.

“ the cute but empty streak over Tottenham”

Between this article and the pundits on NBC yesterday, you’d think it was Spurs who’d beaten Arsenal to the title or something. Neither team won it, and Spurs, as they’re very good at doing, collapsed in epic fashion against their neighbors. Yes, Arsenal were well placed to win the league in January, but it’s Arsenal.

Actually, Arsenal and its fans are pretty upset about not winning the league. But as poor as Arsenal’s season was it was STILL enough to finish above a Spurs team that had its best season in decades. That is why this is so hilarious... the more people criticize Arsenal, Spurs by default look even more ridiculous.