
I have been using Uber almost exclusively for 2 years. I absolutely love it and don’t understand why people find it so easy to attack and belittle. Among it’s many conveniences, the best part of Uber is the transaction end: no tipping, no dealing with cash, no waiting on credit card processing. You just open the door,

You guys are really out for Uber, huh? Continue on with the scare capaign as much as you like, but could you maybe want to write an article about how to maybe make riding an uber/lyft/taxi safer for your readers who use them instead of unfairly targeting this one single company and going “OMG RAPE CARS”.

This is a bad decision. There was no contact because Ronaldinho maneuvered to avoid getting his shins hacked off by a late, reckless challenge. It’s also not like winning a foul in that area sets up a dangerous free kick. Defender deserved to be called for that, you cant just wildly stab at someone’s legs when the

IBM’s computer thinks in chocolate and vanilla. Sometimes what it knows is chocolate, sometimes it’s vanilla, sometimes it’s a swirl. Sometimes, though, the swirl melts; then you have to decide if there was more chocolate or more vanilla in that puddle. IBM just hired a fat kid that can tell the difference.

Well, do you believe Mike Brown’s killing had anything to do with Gray’s killing? If so, you are a certified moron.

Pretty sure that's just how he eats his popcorn.

The lions? I've never heard Aston Villa called that. Villans is their nickname

A++, Fast Service, Would get towed again.

Oh yes, zero excuse because we can be sure that the attendant wasn’t saying anything mean to her. Certainly from the lack of editing in this video and all of us knowing fully well the back story we can say without a shadow of a doubt that there was absolutely no excuse for her to berate her. Ugh i mean how dare she,

Holy crap. I clicked on the video and knew exactly where she is at (sign me up to be an investigative reporter, ESPN. I have a college degree, am in good shape, have all my teeth, and live in an apartment). Before everyone absolutely rags on Britt here, let me play devil’s advocate for just one second.

The shoulder striping is different.
The shoulder numbers are VERY different.
The stripes on the pants are different.
The Syracuse numbers do not have a drop shadow like the new Browns jerseys.
The new Browns jerseys have significantly more text on the front.

I’m really not seeing how these are so similar as to be

I have a house to sell, so there’s that.

I want to know what numnut management asshole decided that the customer must be pacified and given whatever they want when they act likes pure-T assholes.

I have yet to read a post about how horrible customers are without at least half the entries also being about how horrible managers are....

I believe her announcement was the date of Derrick’s next major injury.

If I wanted to see an aging senator trying to hit someone who just wants to dance I’d go to any strip club in D.C.

Same here. FIFA played a huge role and around the same time the internet made it so easy to follow a club (Liverpool here) to a deeper degree.

The map is deceiving. There are a ton of Indians fans in Columbus. Columbus could probably go either way. The Reds just tipped it.

I bet if you took fantasy sports out of the equation, Yahoo would have collapsed like a dying star years ago.

Hi Robby! Thanks for stopping by! One small correction: I don't think you've ever "reported" a goddamn thing in your life. (And because I know you're going to do this, either here or in my Twitter mentions, which you and your friends are currently stink-clouding up with your Feelings, I have a master's degree in