
Needs moar Catrinel Menghia

Wow, crossovers are even going after sedans now. Is the goal to have everyone driving lifted plastic cladded hatchbacks by 2020?

Please God don't let Pontiac come back and get the same idea!

this is why models are bad. Because I'm looking at this picture, REALLY hard, but I don't see a car.



Better than doing a European Delivery on September 25th smack dab in the middle of Oktoberfest?

The Knowledge is just a jaw-dropping, unfathomable achievement.

Chris Harris writing for Jalopnik?

Chris Harris, Jalopnik writer.

No! Absolutely not! I am an outraged consumer and retain my right to whine!

Sweet. I'll buy this when Tavarish posts about it in 2024.

I own a Surface Pro 3 and i find im able to get a lot more done on it than with an iPad, running full windows is a major plus. I keep seeing this and i can't help but think that some of these people are just too stuck in Apple's ecosystem. I am all apple besides my surface pro and i took a chance and it has been

Baltimore Ravens: "The 15 year-old boy deeply regrets the role he played during the incidents."

Bro do you even lift

I'd go stand in line for that like the hipsters stand in line for BBQ.