
I just heard and saw the White Lives Matter shirt thing.

There was a surprising amount of gun control in the Old West. Not to dispute your overall point, just thought you might find this interesting.

Every right winger that’s been spreading lgbtq hate mongering is partly responsible for this.

Biased Shitlopnik reporting yet again! Where are the reports of other manufacturers? You’ve just got it in for Tesla because you’ve shorted them and invested in big oil. I don’t own a Tesla but I have a recurring dream every night where I do, so I feel personally attacked by this. You people don’t deserve Elon! I

Look, Walker is allowed to be stupid and run for the GOP. That’s fine.

If we truly want a safe and secure society, then the only real way to ensure it is to have a safe and equitable society in which terrorism can find no fertile grounds of disgruntlement in which to take root. It beats security theater every day of the week. Probably costs less than security theater in the long term

Grown ass white Republicans are so fucking scared of 9 year olds that they will call 911, but progressives are the “snowflakes.” Ya, okay!

If Republicans win the House, will Democrats/Biden be able to do anything for the next two/four years?

I remember that, and it was before a lot of folks had fallen off the Musk train, and I remember everyone talking about how cool it was, and I couldn’t wrap my head around what was so awesome about it. It just seemed wasteful and dumb.

To everyone who votes republican because of inflation and gas prices. .  .I hope you suffer the most.

Adele told me to get out of the restaurant business back in 2019. She said she couldn’t tell me why, just that I’d be better off switching my whole operation over to making hand sanitizer.

Oh! I like this game!

The Fox News angle makes no sense considering he survived the attack. If the attacker had a gun he would probably be dead. So even if they were right with the whole “take away guns and criminals will just use hammers” thing, we would still be better off in that scenario.

That’s what I was thinking or at least have them drop gear your can’t equip until your a certain level.

You can queue up crafted gear anywhere and a 3d printer in the belfry makes it... or you can quit to the main menu and reload your game and have the new gear you just crafted while in the field.

How long until he does something that violates equal housing rights?

I saw an article today that touted how the federal deficit has been cut in half in the last year. IN HALF!!! How is this not in 1500 pt font on the front page of every news outlet? How is it not huge news across the entire country? Oh, because it occurred during a Democratic administration, so it just gets ignored by

How am I supposed to feel about an ardent memeber of the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party that only changes their mind after a leopard has started gnawing on their nose?

Absolutely. After reading this article I went back and watched that part of Cyberpunk. I had the exact same thought-it is not only funny, but it fits the game and the world around it perfectly. 

Again, adding a both sides perceptions of nazism and stating, “the more you attack the Nazi, the better I look to “non-far left” people,” according to reports.