

Baby formula should go to Americans before illegals.

Point 3 is worth noting. Rebups have basically “governed” via obstruction, procedural maneuvers, and using the judiciary (which they slowly stacked, see first two items), to slowly dismantle gains made in the 20th Century. It’s generally much easier to break and dismantle than it is to build. Aside from tax cuts,

Imagine thinking anyone in big tech is far left...

As far as I can tell the nominee can lie all they want without penalty and once they’re actually sworn in they basically have to commit treason to get kicked out.  I may be wrong though, it’s been a while since I had civics in school.

I have to wonder about Republican voters in her state, because everywhere else it’s the “lesser of two Evils” argument. I would rather a Susan Collins over a(n) (equivalent) Marjorie Taylor Green. I would prefer no one vote Republican but that’s not reality. Collins is going to have to cave to her party’s crazy-ass

It’s not hard to find white women to talk about their anti-choice views, Fox News just prefers these white guys.

If only there was an election in 2016 that could have made Alito a semi-amusing crank in a 6-3 minority... I remember hearing something about that election, where both candidates were the same and the Supreme Court didn’t matter.

Funny how all the women telling me that in 2016 were already post-menopause.

Everyone already knows what the GOP is. Why pretend? Just burn the books already, Brian.

Trump has done it for years and he’s still running around. Guess they thought they could get away with it too.

Also, just to be clear, they didn’t give the name of a single one of the math books they banned. So if you want to know what CRT looks like in a math book, you’ll probably never know. Just take their word for it...

In fairness, crack voter fraud is supposedly more addictive than powder voter fraud, fear of crack voter fraud is associated with violent crime, youth are more likely to be drawn to crack voter fraud, crack voter fraud is linked to the poor and minorities, and use of crack voter fraud is purportedly dangerous to

So one of the guys that wanted the election overturned due to unproven voter fraud committed actual voter fraud? That’s so incredibly stupid but unsurprising.

Does Ted Cruz know how much people hate him, including people in his own party, or is he that oblivious?

I’d rather they save that outburst for when Dems control the Senate outright and they need to replace an old fart like Thomas and cut deeper into that 6-3 conservative Moscow Mitch stole. What I wouldn’t give to hear a Dem troll the GQP in a scenario like that by saying they wanted to nominate someone like Mumia Abu

I wish we lived in a country where (among many other things) the person’s faith was not a consideration.  Even if she were an atheist, it doesn’t affect her fitness for the job, in fact I’d trust an atheist to be impartial more than some bible thumper like Barrett.

That’s what I’m talking about, every bumpkin in the state is gonna be demanding to inspect the ballots for every single election they don’t like, it’s gonna be a logistical nightmare trying to accommodate all those requests and it’s gonna cost a TON of money.  

The Supreme Court is a sham. Dismantle it and replace it with something that adequately represents our people, isn’t driven by religious ideology, and isn’t lab-grown by a political party.

Was there a middle part to this plan I’m not seeing?
Or did they really think neighbours were just gonna start popping each other because of a power outage?