I would have a hard time attributing that stereotype to anyone other than a Tesla owner.
I would have a hard time attributing that stereotype to anyone other than a Tesla owner.
The argument is essentially that reaching level 5 is not a sensing problem. Cameras ARE good enough. We are the proof. Humans do not use “combined senses”. We have five senses and really only use vision to drive a car with. The reason we’re able to drive cars, currently, better than any AV is that we can think and…
Does anyone that actually owns a Tesla actually drive it like a human? Even with the auto-pilot -whatever activated, your eyes should still be on the road 101% of the time to intervene in any emergency.
Mine was a ‘95 and black. First new car I bought with my own money after getting a real job. First manual too. Super easy clutch. Not fast, but it was smaller, lighter, and cornered better than anything I’d had to drive before it.
We all knew politics was rife with dirty money, but this is one of the first years that buying a candidate and an election has been so openly seen.
and Elon planting the seeds to be able to eventually tell current owners that “FSD” won’t work on their cars equipped with HW3.
FSD actually needs a human to monitor things, why can ASS exist withoutone? How is this allowed?
Narcissism is a hell of a drug. And that’s probably not the only drug he’s on.
Some people will have a field day throwing themselves at robotaxis, trying to collect a Tesla payout.
I get what you’re saying. In the end it is probably moot who actually carries the insurance because, of course, it will be the owner of the vehicle who is paying for it one way or another. Either they will directly hold a policy or, probably more likely, will pay either a very hefty up-front price for the vehicle or a…
If your government doesn’t require an autonomous cab company to accept full liability, (a) Don’t ride in it, and (b) Vote those assholes out.
The only way full autonomy works is if the car maker is responsible and has to carry the liability insurance because at that point everyone else in the car is a passenger.
That said the real answer is what others have said already which is 300 miles/charge, which is roughly what an ICE car can get on a tank.
Are those ultra-low profile tires or is there just a goofy aero wheel cover over a normal profile wheel/tire? Either way I’d expect that to change if they ever produce this thing. Neither is a good idea.
I wouldn’t worry. He’s just as full of shit about autonomy as he is about most everything else.
My favorite really though is all the “Christians” who are voting for the thrice-married adulterer who was banging a porn star while his third wife was pregnant with his fifth child, then lied about, then got convicted for cooking his financials to cover it up. Shit, CPAC even raised a golden statue of him. It doesn’t…
I was gonna say. Since when is $2B a “whole lot” of money to the U.S. government? Don’t we pay something like 10x that amount in fossil fuels subsidies?
Backing in. At least for all the Superchargers I’ve ever seen. The charger stand is in the back of the parking spot and the charge port on all Teslas is at the rear of the vehicle.
Yeah funny typo, but definitely “lane change” because it has a real problem with that. I currently have the trial month on a new Model 3 since I’ve no intention of buying the feature. I’ve only tried it once. It was seriously unimpressive and I can’t imagine why anyone pays actual money for it.