But why would you need to enable it??
But why would you need to enable it??
Yeah, I think JD Power just counts “reported issues” for both its initial quality and long-term reliability charts. I’m sure all the gruesome detail is available if you pay for it, but the overall ratings are worse for ALL EVs, not just Teslas, and it’s likely more because of people being confused about the tech than…
Passive assists are fine. They watch YOU drive the car, something automated systems are far more capable of doing without distraction than the other way around.
Not blaming the woman at all though.
Except for doing all that without needing to enable the system...it does every single thing you just mentioned. What we don’t know is whether Sentry Mode was enabled. The video in the header image appears to be a cellphone video taken of the in-car dashcam viewer app showing a video from the “Recents” folder, as can…
You said yourself, its likely she forgot her phone in the car. So yes we don’t know exactly why the car locked with the phone (key) in the car. But if we’re to go down a list of likely reasons a car would do that, the number one most likely reason is because the car couldn’t detect the phone’s signal.
Sorry but you’re incorrect. A key fob inside the car would very likely have prevented this from happening. A working key fob inside the car will prevent the car from locking; a key CARD will not.
Frankly, I hate the key card and phone combo these cars use. Cars need key fobs.
The English language might have had something to do with it as we call it ‘stainless’. Others call it ‘inox’ or ‘rostfrei’ which is more accurate. As stainless is manufactured for a given environment, it is really only inoxidable in those conditions.
C’mon now. It’s no 6000SUX!
I’d give celebrities a pass on this. “Hey look at me!” is literally how they make a living. They might be the only people who have a valid reason for owning one of these things.
Willing to bet you that Elon Musk actually thinks stainless steel is literally stain-proof and probably had to fire a few engineers before they learned to stop telling him he was wrong.
Has it already been vandalized or did they intentionally write something on the front that just LOOKS like it was vandalized?
I like to think that after all the trouble and all of his ego he poured into this piece of shit, it gives him actual physical pain to see people putting a bag over his ugly baby’s head every time they wrap it in anything... but this stainless look wrap is indeed the final evolution of that insult. It’s perfect!
This is more analogous to a full PPF wrap on a normal vehicle, or it would be if there was any paint on this thing to protect. But I suppose it serves the same purpose.
As a Tesla owner, I wish Elon Musk would “stick to cars” too.
Nowhere did I say you literally don’t stop. Of course you stop. You’ll make the same rest/food stops no matter what vehicle you are driving, but “refueling” stops in an EV simply take longer than in an ICE vehicle and you also make more of them since it’s hugely time inefficient to charge all the way to full.
Probably fails the “short time to get there” criteria. I just punched Miami to LA into EVTripPlanner, picked a Model 3 LR and... it came up with 36 hours driving and 9 hours charging at +15% speed limit. Spending a fifth of the trip charging might give many pause.
I agree that median transaction price would be far more useful in giving most buyers an idea what new cars cost. But it’s difficult or impossible to find for some reason. I can specifically search for median car prices and every result, including the stupid new AI summaries, gives me average. Not what I asked, MFer!
I like passive driver aids like lane departure warning/assist rather than lane-keeping. You do have to have some driving task to keep your attention on it fully. Some rabid Autopilot fans will try to tell they are even more alert than they would be without it, but science says otherwise.