One of the classic blunders next to “Don’t get involved in a land war in Asia”.
he said while he was proud of the gains Republicans made down there, that he couldn’t, in good conscience, vote for Walker.
Gerrymandering is real of course, but wasn’t a factor in this statewide race. Voter suppression was certainly a big deal though.
This is why I don’t abolish Fox News from my news feed. If you even occasionally click on one of their articles, you are transported into this alternate reality where a power mad unelected Dr. Fauci wielded ultimate power during the pandemic to steal our freedoms, gangs of drug-dealing, crime-doing, brown people were p…
The way our elections and Congress are set up, there is really only room for two parties. We don’t have, in most cases, ranked choice elections that allow third parties a greater chance to win. When you are down to only two choices and the opposite party’s candidate is diametrically opposed to everything you believe…
But why let facts get in the way of your stupidity?
while someone like me is expected to work maybe 250 days a year, railroad workers have to live with being expected to work 335 days a year
There are two parties to these negotiations.
Well, a job is different... I’d want to know if the person I might be working for has the emotional maturity of a five-year-old as Mark Cuban appears to have. This would be a decent way to test that.
FULLY responsible, I’d say. They know what they are doing. They know full fucking well their “grooming” bullshit is just something they made up because it plays well with their bigoted audience, but they repeat it anyway.
Narcissists don’t hang out with people who give them criticism, no matter how well-meaning or constructive.
Don’t bother. It’s a MAGA troll. They just got done blaming the recent shooting victims for living in Colorado Springs.
Interesting article, thanks. Especially liked the bit about how much more dangerous the towns without gun control were and how pretty much nobody back then was using today’s rhetoric popular on the right wing, that guns make us safer.
If I’m being absolutely honest here, I would vote for a ham sandwich if the other option in the race was a Republican. The sandwich would do less damage in office.
Nominal control is still better than having McConnell in charge. At the very least, they won’t be blocking judicial nominees.
The road from here to there has been mined with explosives by people for whom “equality” is their worst nightmare.
Fear is their whole ballgame, really. More or less every political policy they are behind is rooted in fear: the fear that, one day, white men might not be in charge of everything.
Nope. Going to be two years of Hunter Biden’s Laptop and probably three fake impeachments so they can say Trump isn’t the most impeached President ever anymore.