It’s hard not to be disappointed at just how simple-minded the vast majority of voters are. That catch-phrase from Bill Clinton’s campaign, “It’s the economy, stupid!” is more true than was intended.
It’s hard not to be disappointed at just how simple-minded the vast majority of voters are. That catch-phrase from Bill Clinton’s campaign, “It’s the economy, stupid!” is more true than was intended.
Republicans are humiliating themselves
I’m not sure it’s going to matter. They’ve successfully run the clock out to the midterms, where it looks like we’re going to be doing nothing but endless hearings about Hunter Biden’s Laptop and, probably, at least three impeachments of Joe Biden on made-up charges... just so Donald Trump can lose the title of “most…
Except you’re likely not 100% wrong with that one.
looking for some stealth takedowns but, whoops, you accidentally flicked the left stick forward and now your vigilante has just jumped off and lands in front of the enemies you were trying to stealth.
Asking a gun nut to make sense is a tall order. They will never shut up about banning cars or hammers or butter knives or fucking anything that can be used to kill a person no matter how many times you explain what’s moronically stupid about their “logic”.
pffft.... bat-family can’t get drone delivery anymore?
Another common way to handle that if you’ve got a crafting system, is to let players use crafting resources to level up their gear rather than having to replace it.
Except in the comics, ACAB isn’t true. This is a fantasy world where “good cops” can exist as readily as benevolent white billionaires who can fight crime without any legal oversight and still manage to be just, fair, and good in all the way our real world law enforcement and judicial systems are not.
Sounds more like a game design problem to me. If these chests were supposed to contain unique stuff, maybe it should have been a special kind of gear that levels up with you.
This is pretty subjective, I think most of GK looks better then Arkham Knight
It’s the hate train, it’s a fickle bitch, everyone likes to pile on these days and parrot each other, reaffirm their first instincts and impressions as solid facts despite not playing the actual game.
Is there actually a story reason worth keeping in the game to have to fight cops?
The game doesn’t really give you many reasons to buy cars considering they toss you the keys to both the fastest motorcycle (Jackie’s Arch) and fastest car (Rayfield Caliburn) for free.
On the one hand, conservative rhetoric these days doesn’t really differentiate. Any Democrat is a “far left radical”. Pretty sure they’ve called both Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi radical leftists. So it doesn’t really mean to them what it means to us.
How long before that doesn’t matter anymore? We are, after all, barreling towards a fascist oligarch future already. He might just be ahead of the game a little is all.
Or perhaps Del is protected by his wealth and association with powerful private citizens?
It’s another case of Democrats taking the high road in a game of “punch each other in the balls”.
You don’t have to feel sympathy for her. Having people, doesn’t matter who, telling their stories like this is something that unfortunately needs to keep happening from now until election day because the American public has the attention span of a two-year-old, apparently.
Yeah, of the two non-reset options I suppose the recombine one seems less risky. The various “children” by themselves are kind of unstable and a few of the texts you get are fairly ominous.