
If they weren’t such horrible people themselves, I’d feel sorry for them being duped so easily. They were probably all thinking to themselves on their way home (or to jail) that night, “No problem! Trump will pardon us. After all, he’s the one who told us to do this, right?”

Just take their word for it...

And it will be equally unsurprising when he gets a light tap on the wrist as punishment.

Raiding tombs? In a Tomb Raider game?! That’s crazy talk!

She absolutely should have fired back, “Senator, your line of questioning and your tone are clearly hostile.”

I would have said yes, but then there’s that airport story where he can’t believe people aren’t kissing his ass and he says, “Do you know who I am?”

I want her to say she’s a lesbian atheist critical race theorist who thinks transgender studies should be required in the third grade in every school in America, to be taken right after Critical Race Theory 101 teaches their white kids to be ashamed of themselves.

I’m doubting the interpretation in this article because of that... but I can’t find in the text of the bill where this provision is talked about either.

It’s going to be a fair, thorough hearing, and we’re not going to get in the gutter like the Democrats did

The reason is that not enough Democrats are willing to do what it takes to pass those things.

I suspect the joke is on both Ubisoft and From here. They are two ends of an extreme where the best answer probably lies somewhere in between.

Everything involving people is politics.

Yeah, I’m still struggling with Phase 1 myself. How exactly did they think they would do enough structural damage to an electrical sub-station with small arms fire that it’d be out of operation for “months”?

Censure is a strongly worded statement of disapproval. You censure Manchin, you know what he’ll do with it? He’ll put it on a flag and wave it at his next campaign rally. Part of his appeal to his red state voters is that he’s NOT a party-line Democrat.

Removing?  When was it ever in them?

Give it up. I’ve had this same argument with this same person and I’m not entirely convinced they aren’t just trolling.

They probably believe it. They first believe that the death penalty deters crime, which it doesn’t. But they believe it. So why would they care WHO is being executed as long as it isn’t them or anyone they care about?

In the same way, people who live and breathe Fox News literally thought all of Portland was on fire back during BLM protests. Republican politicians and their media shouting heads were complaining of cities being “burned down” by the protests.

Wasn’t there a whole controversy with W3 about how it looked at launch vs. how it looked in E3 demos or something?  I seem to recall something like that.

This? Imagine a crowd of Democrats carrying Biden flags had stormed the capitol building on Jan 6th. Imagine we were the ones telling them that the election had been stolen and they should accept that as a fact even though we’ve provided zero evidence?