
Good grief, you’re literal. “A something is a something” is a figure of speech that means the something you’re talking about is always the same from one to the next. They are interchangeable. Not different. Not unique. This is how you’re acting. You’re pretending that we should be able to count on literally any

Like, do you really think “Hey, you gotta elect more Democrats, because the reason we haven’t kept our promise to you is because of two Democrats who keep fucking things up!” I’m just amazed by the people who think telling voters that Democrats failed because of Democrats is going to make people elect more Democrats.

You’re the one arguing a meaningless semantic point! Democrats control the government.

Yes, voters absolutely put Democrats into power in 2020. What are you talking about?

What is the point you are even trying to make here, and who are you trying to make it to? Democrats in 2020 promised a bunch of shit if they got power. Voters gave them that power.

I’ll never understand the logic behind blaming voters here rather than the party

Part of the narrative all over GMG blogs lately is to keep spinning the idea that Democrats “control” Congress, so that when they can’t get something done, it can be criticized as Democrats, collectively, not wanting to do it rather than being unable to do it.

Good luck. Pretty much on all these GMG boards, people are acting like all Joe Biden has to do is realize bipartisanship and then... mumblemumble.... profit!

The article is taking what he says a bit too literally, I think. It’s absurd to think they didn’t see this coming. But what are they going to SAY? Was Biden going to promise on the campaign trail to get no legislation passed because he wouldn’t likely have the votes to defeat the filibuster? Is he going to now say he

And yet, this website’s bloggers keep using the phrase “Democrat-controlled Congress” like it means anything when two of those Democrats are dead set against voting for the party agenda.

Willing to bet his faithful audience still thinks Hannity won that exchange.  All they need anymore is bluster.  As long as Hannity never admits he was wrong, they can believe he’s winning.  This whole clip is Hannity basically telling an economics professor, “Let me tell you how economics works, bub!”   And their

They say that, but lately they have become so blatantly authoritarian, I just openly wonder what they NEED freedom for themselves.  They seem to be in a hurry to put someone above them that will just tell them what to do and what to think.

It’s impossible NOT to play into one of their completely illogical arguments about something. We can’t let their insanity drive our policy.

It is essential to conservatism that people not challenge beliefs. It’s why they tend to be so much more compatible with organized religion than liberals.

I think some of them know they are hypocrites and the rest are incapable of seeing this fault in themselves.  It’s cognitive dissonance on a massive scale.  It’s just not “cancel culture” to them unless it’s cancelling THEIR culture.  This goes along with the complete lack of empathy required to be a conservative. 

You’re right about education, but America has not forgotten. If anything, conservatives are more aware than anybody the power education has to challenge fixed beliefs.

My Model 3 does this all the time. It’s not activating the brakes yet, but the alarm comes on for a car turning off the road in front of me.

This White guy sounds like a real Buckhead.

Generally, I assume MOST of the GOP politicians know they are full of shit. But they also know how stupid and easily lead their voters are.  Cruz is a lawyer, at least, and definitely knows the First Amendment doesn’t apply to private companies moderating online content.  Paul probably knows as well.

They seem to equate science and politics, basically, which makes them believe not just that science can be questioned (which is true) but that it can be questioned by just any asshole with an opinion (which isn’t). Science can be questioned and overturned by better science.