
I will not be the least bit surprised if this does make the talking points memo in Republican circles. They will try to use it as “proof” that mail-in voting is vulnerable to fraud.

It wasn’t that long ago really that we had real, quality, spin-doctoring where they went to some actual effort to distort the facts, twist words, and select only the truths that made them look good.

Good point. It’s disturbing how little subtlety is required anymore. I remember almost fondly when we’d talk about “spinning” the news like it was difficult and delicate work. Then along comes someone who coins the phrase “alternative facts” without batting an eye and without any apparent consequence at all.

I am pretty solidly on the side of just leader of the cretins.

It’s not about his type. It’s about our system. The money always wins in our economic system. Companies that stand on principle vs. money, at least when those two things are far apart... lose. They lose to and are replaced by companies willing to choose the money over the principle.

I think there’s an even chance he actually believes every word he is saying.  He may just be that far gone.  He creates his own reality because the actual real world where he’s a pathetic idiot and liar is something he can’t accept.

Saints Row: The Third Remastered brings the apex of the franchise to PS4 and Xbox One for the first time, warts and all.

Agreed. The credits also have ALL the protagonist’s voice actors singing this. Messy, but still fun.

Everybody is doing what they want. Nobody is being “made” to do anything they do not want to do. I mean that literally. This is the part of my point you’re missing.

Vote for you.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.  Biden has as much of Midwestern moderates as he’s gonna get.  He needs to tie in some progressives and heaven help us all if he doesn’t already know that.

True, but I more or less expect that kind of thinking from any politician. Given the choice of keeping their power or standing on some principle, I find it safer to assume any politician will choose the former over the latter.

Those almost seem like happy memories, now. Like, “Hey, remember way back when the worst thing Trump had done so far was hang a misleading electoral map in the White House instead of getting 90K+ Americans killed trying to lie to a virus?”

Oh, you mean the map of the U.S. that shows how much LAND votes Republican?

The blowback would rupture Capitol Hill.

Much better!

Apparently some of the MAGAs think

There are few games in my library that I never finish but this could be one.   I just... lost interest.  I may one day force myself (pun intended) to finish this, but I don’t know when that will be.

I remember that too.  I wasn’t ever sure if she retracted it grudgingly to help the film or if she was genuinely surprised by Cruise’s performance.  I want to believe the latter because Cruise in this movie was unlike anything else he’d done before this.