
It’s not a very interesting point though because of COURSE the biggest and most popular games, which are the ones we end up arguing about representation in, are created for profit. I don’t think anybody is suggesting the government should subsidize the next Grand Theft Auto with the goal of making it more inclusive.

Funny isn’t it? I KNEW as soon as I saw Heather describe this as the “familiar strawman” we’d see it multiple times in the comments too.

The criticism of Unity comes from that dev response about “extra animation work for women”. If they’d only ever given the explanation about playing Arno in co-op, we wouldn’t probably be talking about this. Like you said, it’d be like every other AC before it.

That’s not even the absurd part.  The absurd part is the idea that games are primarily works of art first and commercial products second in the same way you might say that about a painting that hangs in a gallery.

Which is probably why the rumors for AC Ragnarok are pointing at the main character to be male only.

The only candidates and constituents benefiting from this are centrists and moderates in the Democratic party, who are more than happy to watch the two most progressive candidates in the presidential race grab scuffle over utter nonsense.

I guarantee there are Trumpies who think we can “win” a nuclear war. These people are every bit as stupid and arrogant as their dear leader.

And can someone really be called a “prepper” in an already post-apocalyptic world?

millions upon millions of people don’t vote, so we don’t actually know what values they hold sadly

Got any citations?

Oh and we should remind readers that just because everything you listed is also amazingly good news for Vladimir Putin (again)... it doesn’t in any way prove that Trump is his bitch.

You think everybody is polled?

Oh I know. I even had someone tell me this straight up early in 2017. That he didn’t care what Trump did as long as it was pissing off the liberals.

Pretty sure an average of 20.2+14.2>29.7 but maybe you’re into that new math.

The thing I love about the “lock her up!” chant is that these idiots don’t even realize how every time they say it they are reminding us all that they couldn’t actually DO it.  Like who are they talking to?  Their guy is in power.  You want to lock her up?  Why don’t you try charging her with something and then

I mean you’re here trying to say 2/3rds is less than 1/3rd so I guess you’d know about redefining words, sure.

Huh, to me having 2/3rd of the front runners in your camp IS dominating.

Two out of three top candidates are leftists.

“Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle,”

I agree mostly, but I’d recommend to people to try playing W2 even if just on easy-mode for the story. It gives a lot of good backstory to set up W3 whereas W1 seems like a whole other unrelated story mostly. Yeah, there’s a bit of Wild Hunt story in there and the whole end-of-the-world prophecy pops up but it seems