D.D. Driver

Yes. Your first hand deserves a timeout.

First they came for the stoner comedies and I said nothing because "meh."

What one question would you like to ask Tom Petty?

What ever happened to predictability (e.g., the milkman, the paperboy, MTV, etc.)?

Agree. EoT was quite good. A completely satisfying popcorn flick. Also, the montage scene of Tom Cruise taking a series of bullets to his noodle should have been on the best scene of the year list.

Kyle really really hates gratuitous nudity.

Traveling Wilburys.

It would have been in questionable taste to re-unite with the dead members.

Beetlejuice 2: The Shreikrel

Indicted? For that Ponzi scheme he was running?

It's Jered!

The third episode is 60 minutes of Marco learning how to make lasagne. You will not be disappointed.

Here's a guy trying the Triple Lindy:

How did Transformers 9: A Good Day to Ride Hard on a Dino-Bot not make the cut?

Bearded Kathy Bates!


Nudity is fine, but let it be used sparingly and with purpose.

And I thought most asians are lactose intolerant. Ice cream was invented in China?

I don't even own a French Village.

I think you meant "favourite caroul."