D.D. Driver

"I Saw Mommy Kissing Jeff"

Rand Paul was also the one of the first politicians of either major party to speak out (and speak out thoughtfully) about Ferguson:

Thanks for the clarification. I will now return to making bad puns and posting Simpson's quotes.

Now You See Me 2: I Think We Should See Other People

…Which finally answers the question: "Yes, of course I know your name!"

Mister Dobalina. Mister Bob Dobalina.

They are not stereotyped based upon their ethics, that's for sure.

And Blue Oyster Cult.

MMMMMMMM…. aaaasss turkey…..

I guess my comment was directed at the statement that "That’s not to say that these shows don’t have their own strong female characters."

It was a popular dance in the 1960s.

I guess I don't understand the criticism. Take The 100, for example. The best characters are Female-Teenage-Post-Apocalyptic-Warrior-Bad-asses. From the tone of the piece, I gather those characters don't count because they are not "geeky" enough? Seems like a tightrope walk: we need our female geeks to be more

♫ Gimme the beat boys and free my soul,
I wanna get lost in that nutty brown roll, aaaaaand…
swift away-ay-ay ♫

THREADJACK: As fellow Packer fan, I am loving the NFL commercial with the matriarch of her family reciting the litany of lame excuses that her children have given to abandon the Vikings…

Cowboy Ninja Viking 2: Kung-Fu Hippy From Gangsta City

Phrases that should not appear in the same sentence: "granny" and "under the table."

RE: other horror shows.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I woke up and saw an "I Married Dora" notification.


That bottomed out pretty quickly.