D.D. Driver

Hate: Prairie Home Companion. Love: Whattaya Know?

Not communist, but find me an economist that would describe it as a pure capitalist system. Rations and price controls are not capitalist. This is what happens when everything you ever learned about economics came from the mouth of a vegan poli sci professor.

The existence of a central planner is the antithesis of capitalism. I guess the Soviet Union was also a capitalist system. Who knew.

**mournfully masturbates**

The first time I read this I thought you wrote that your mom played lots of Dr. Mario when she was in rehab.

I think its supposed to tap in every parents primal fear of their kids being so damn annoying at bedtime.


Someone bought the u before the a?

Can we just bring back Videocracy and be done with it?

Phase 3 (the full sequence)

Yeah. Osama was such an asshole.



I'm sure he didn't intend to ruffle your feathers.

His understudy, Cathy Durr, is not much better.

The Young X-File Chronicles

Aquaman: h2o

…because he was a terrible quarterback.


Well, if the pop culture media didn't constantly wring its hands about "lack of diversity in [fill in the blank]", maybe you would have a point.