D.D. Driver

Hip-Hop Pocket!

I know, right? They pulled this guy right out of central casting.

Obama sends drones to blow up a neighborhood block in a far away land, and Democrats and I'm-moving-to-Canada-lefties change the subject.

Maybe. Or maybe its just reported less. It also skews the statistics when the Netherlands' age of consent is 16. (DISCLOSURE: I had to look it up and I do not carry one of those Donny Walberg Transformer laminated cards.)

This is where everyone starts wine-ing about another pun thread.

I was certain this would be the first post. We are slipping.

Abortions for some. Miniature American flags for others.

I got a "steeple cock" notification for this?

Neither did Bo and Luke, but they were "modern day Robin Hoods" according to Waylon Jennings.

The NFL policy has a strict policy against concussions percussion.

Olympus Has Fallen 2: Accident Prone

Roots Directory

Or Shirt Tales.

Have you ever seen a turtle get down?

Be fair: there are plenty of urban soccer moms with the same backwards beliefs.

You know. I'm pretty conflicted about this. On one hand, vaccinations have saved more lives than any other innovation in the history of civilization and it ain't even close. But on the other hand, how hard do we want to fight to keep people taking medical advice from Rob Schneider in the gene pool?

Obi Wan Kenobi: Live Free, or Jedi Hard.

Z'nado sounds like a new Pizza Hut foodstuff.


Clearly, Father McKenzie is a "person of interest" in the investigation into the disappearance.