D.D. Driver

Technically, its should be:


Wrong. The first rule is: No outside food!

It's all a dream.

The AVClub

Maybe you could be a little more grateful: everything he does, he does it for you.

Wow. That looks like it required a lot of hard work and ducklings.

What about "2 Live Cruise"?

Whenever the used tampon is off screen, all of the characters ask: "Hey, where is that used tampon?"



There's always a fjord (or a canal or an inlet).

Sit on a potato pan, Otis!

Too soon!

"Whiskey and gunpowder… sounds like a Tea Party meetup"

He's not dead because time is nothing but a flat circle.

It always bothered by that the recorder doesn't actually RECORD anything. The recorder would be less lame if it had a more appropriate name. I don't see any reason that it couldn't be on par with the harmonica or ukulele.

Rather than politely "challenging" folks to dump buckets of ice water on their heads, she cures ALS by going on a seven-state ice bucket rampage.

She learned nothing—-nothing—-from Doug Llewellyn.

I don't know how anyone thinks they can improve upon Fear of a Black Hat, the definitive unauthorized biography of NWA.