D.D. Driver

When I used to watch Ace of Cakes I was always disappointed that the "cake" was really a cardboard box with intricate frosting.

Yes. A couple years ago. We are in the Late Ramen Era.

There are dozens of us….dozens!

The Kendrick Lamar is coming from inside the house.

Me too! Essentially scrambled eggs with gravy all over it. It's Guangdong meets Georgia.

Milwaukee is cool. So this comment seems to check out.

What is love? Baby don't hurt me.

You Blarted, bro.

I think the question was about successful movies that people actually remember.

Report: Increase In Local Hos Getting Supermanned.

The Internet: "Hold my beer…."

Can't quite tell. But I am deeply amused by the thought of nerdy computer animators pulling off the perfect water slide hoax and then privately snickering at all the dopes who believed it was true.

The film adaptation ended in a very end-y kind of way.

Good…goooooood… let the hate flow through you.

This is the second time I have posted this is week (the other was to make a rhetorical point about Kathy Griffith) but I challenge anyone to watch this clip and not laugh.

Harvard and dead pet humor =

Pizza Underground?

Pffft. Duplas Brothers? The Bang Brothers did this first.

Fucking Payton Manning.

He explained that he was driving coast to coast looking for the Djinn.