doing this is as useful as doing my job

Again. To the other person, who’s feelings, desires, opinions are just as valid as yours, he was having fun with kids, and you fucked that up.

No one is right here. The both of you have different values/interests.

With each comment you show even more, that you lack the ability to understand the world through someone

It makes them feel special with the added bonus of being able to dismiss tons of people’s opinions out of hand.

None of this is done consciously or malevolently. But the result is the same.

And maybe the parent had a shit day, it was great that the kids could entertain themselves for a change...until his/her neighbors made it stop, because...there was noise in an apartment complex that bothered.

Your insistence on being “right” is only proving my point.

I LOVE “i have special knowledge” arguments. They usually have airtight argumentation, like: I own a house, therefore my opinion is correct.

Is it really worse than: I bought the property next to this, so I get to decide what happens there?

Both are selfish. Only one is unreasonable.
I mean, seriously, why does the neighbor get their way? On what logical grounds is trying to control someone else’s stuff LESS selfish than saying, I get to control my own stuff?

Not for him. And let’s face it, that’s all that matters!

The only people I know who have obsessed over their neighbor’s grass, driveway, trees, siding, etc....have had pretty empty lives. I don’t think this is a coincidence.

This comment is totally dependent on seeing the world through your eyes.

To you - they’re only thinking about themselves.
To them - you’re only thinking about yourself.

Neither your situation, nor this one with the trailer is a case of high-road vs. inconsiderate ass. In both cases, from all 4 points of view, “the other

This. I love that these people think something like “Emails!” could derail a campaign...but they think the American people would not have reacted negatively to the 4 months of “Socialism!”
People needed to be convinced the emails were bad. (It wasn’t hard.) But “socialism is the worst” was pretty much already a mantra

You can’t deal rationally with irrational people.

I don’t necessarily disagree that shaming and condescension don’t work. But neither does any of the stuff you suggest.

Bottom line: These opinions need to be confronted head on. This “high road” nonsense won’t work. If the high road mattered at ALL to these folks, we

The distinction between being a racist and openly supporting a racist is so negligible, it boggles my brain that so many people are bending over backwards to view it as a huge chasm.

Hint: We don’t have racist policies because of Disney-villain racists. We have racist policies, primarily, because of the millions of