Keyser "Sammy" Söze

I think I’m in love with her.

The guy in that meme not only doesn’t look unemployed but also like he wouldn’t exactly want to defend a school from Nikolas Cruz wannabes. Guys like that usually go into private contracting after the military, something like Dyncorp or Academi which pays like $500 an hour or something.

He’s like Rosa Parks except a white missionary. Also, though, not at all oppressed but instead high with the belief that he’s saving others and not concerned with the preservation of his own life because this one is worse than the next one (in his mind).

You seem like a shitty house guest.

This is kind of bullshit. You just can’t decide that someone is racist because they did something to someone of another race. I think that for hate crime laws to be enforced properly, they should definitely be intended to be racist or hateful in order for those to even matter.

Bills fans after their team winning the SB would make Philadelphia’s Fuck Tomb look like a petting zoo.

With the current play in college football, I can see it evolving into something where the norm is close to last night. Everyone wants to see points and speed. Defenses aren’t what they used to be. There are a couple schools that still rely heavily are “balanced” football like Michigan and LSU, but the overall

He reminds me of the coach from season 3 of Last Chance U.

Since I started dating my wife back in 2008, I’ve been a cat person. I’ve found the easiest way to do it is just be cool. They’ll all eventually let you grow on them, even the most territorial. We’ve “had” probably a dozen over the last several years, at times taking care of many strays who lived outdoors. Now we have

Some years from now, KD will be a better but more bitter version of Melo. 

wow, you should write for Deadspin.

But you know coaches are busy around the clock and are worth every penny.

As far as I know, this is the third one in the US in the last month, right? I think desensitized happened a long time ago.

While this was overall a decent review with a couple noticeable spelling errors and errors related to the show’s history, I think that it misses the point of the show in relation to this episode’s final scene. The show isn’t going to change because of this scene. While The Gang is and always will be shitty and

Something worse than forcing a sports fandom onto a child is forcing the idea that either a) you can’t play sports or b) you must place sports. As a parent, that is something you should address.

Conservatives claim those when it’s convenient for them, like during an election season. Once the FBI or ATF gets involved and shoots a white separatist for, you know, blowing up a doctor’s office, killing a Jewish activist, or robbing a bank to finance other illegal activities, party Republicans turn them a blind

This is kind of bullshit. 

What do you do when your kid is acting up?

Not only that, they’re truly incapable of seeing otherwise. They think Fake News(TM) on Facebook from the likes of the Daily Caller is real or scary enough to be real and inspire them to vote for the baddies OR they think voting for Republicans will salvage market gains in their portfolio. One of those two is it.

I’ve been saying that for a long time. The closest thing this country has to ISIS or the Taliban is rural conservative pseudo-Christians and their fascist ideological gun-toting mania.