Keyser "Sammy" Söze

Poo aside, there is a metal bench in the not-cheap-seat section? How does this team pass itself off as professional on or off the field?

Is it old person butt too, because not all butts are equal? Flaky moist taint is worse than just taint, so there has to be a modifier on butt, too.

BPD is probably more common that APD or psychopathy but then BPD might be histrionic personality disorder or passive-aggressive personality disorder. I imagine passive-aggressive disorder is way more common than it is diagnosed.

Seriously, 911?! It’s literally for emergencies only, these fucking wypipo. BTW, I’m white. I hate these petty snitches.

Let’s hope not.

I majored in writing and that was like day 1 of a creative writing course. Professor said he couldn’t stand it when people wrote “just” as a politeness modifier and since then I’ve been really deliberate about using it.

His safe word is “Really?”

McEnroe was never much for doubles. 

This is a point of contention that shouldn’t even be debated but the idea surrounding coaches of amateur athletics in society is so grossly out of line within even the farthest definition of free market capitalism. These men are paid absurd salaries with even more absurd contract stipulations that allow them to act

I recently left a job where I worked for 3 1/2 years for reasons that were mutually appreciated by both sides. The management consisted of several “supervisors” that were an echo chamber of agreeing with one another and waiting on others to agree with them, basically nothing was up to one person unless it was a point

When watching the Hard Knocks with them last season, I got the feeling watching him play that he is just stupid. He definitely doesn’t listen to his coaches. He does dumbass shit like groping people and acting a fool when not on the field so it makes sense he’d do dumbass shit on the field. If given enough time, he

Trump riding the tank with his name on it is something most Americans would want to see, nutjob or not. I’d want to see it. 

He’s definitely got to have a mental illness. Just look at that van. He couldn’t have known what he was doing was wrong.

“regardless of political leanings”, aka, I support Trump and this is totally what I did to my F150

who feeds their infant spaghetti and pudding at night? who the fuck is this guy?

I bet being caught in car like that made for quite a messy dismount.

Now this is a quality take

You reap what you sue, I mean sow.

It died, nobody was there to feed it.