
Slightly bonkers theory: Sansa convinced Lady Mormont to deliver her speech. With Jon as King in the North, Sansa is no longer as valuable to Littlefinger and his monomaniacal quest for the Iron Throne.

Maybe that's the plan - he'll Don Juan his way through Winterfell…

Pod could be stealthy.

Nice bit of fan service with the direct interpellation of the Lyanna Mormont message.

YES. Carrion Crawler is a face-melter. It helps to see them live, and their LPs really work best as LPs, not as single cuts.

Name-checking the Fall-Outs? Well done! Their single, "Zombie," is one of the best cuts of the 90s garage rock revival, and they'll always have a special place in my collector's heart since their '92 S/T album was the first slab I ever bought with my own money.

Or the fact that there's already a (mediocre) movie out about William Wilberforce & the British abolitionists, called Amazing Grace.