I was very disappointed in L.A. Noire as well. The game play was boring as hell and after all the hype about it I was glad that I had rented it through GameFly coz I would have been PISSED if I paid full price for that piece of crap.
I was very disappointed in L.A. Noire as well. The game play was boring as hell and after all the hype about it I was glad that I had rented it through GameFly coz I would have been PISSED if I paid full price for that piece of crap.
I tried playing Binary Domain on the PS3 using the games voice commands and it was a nightmare. Very few times did my team respond correctly to my voice commands and most of the time the commands were more easily given using the button controls. I went through all the setting changes to hopefully improve it's…
Is this really a surprise to anyone? Why Google for porn when sites like YouPorn and ExtremeTube exist?
I would call it Jazz Hands
You sir, win the commenting game for today!
How would it be used in a commercial motor?
Here is a simple solution. Don't use or buy Kinect.
Well said my good man.
Really? Calendar number centering? Don't you have something better to write about? Like maybe the newest Lego box set or something?
It seems to me that most of Time-Warner's customer problems start with their cable box. Those things are a piece of crap. Since I've ditched the DVR and got the basic HD package from TWC I've noticed that most of my problems have been eliminated. Plus, they have added NFL Network and RedZone to their programming!
Really? You've all seen the hordes of cameramen all penned together all taking pictures OF THE SAME EXACT THING. So boo-freaking-hoo that you spent loads of money on a camera to take a picture of someone you probably already have thousands of photos of and missed your shot because of someone who had a once in a…
What's a Blackberry?
Apple can suck it. I love my Apple products but they take the secrecy stuff too far. In this case it's a prototype of a product already on the market, broken, and two dock ports so who the hell cares? $10k? Hey I have a broken original iPhone, at only $50k it's a steal!
Has no one realized that mixing Black Eyed Peas and anything related to sports is a horrible idea.
This is like asking why American Idol doesn't cater to the straight male audience.
and yet, still nobody cares.
Exactly how would the "visually impaired" benefit from this?
Looks like a fart amplifier to me. There is no pulling of the "one cheek-sneak" on this bad boy.
Given the title of this article, I thought this was going about an app that will get you to the closest toilet when you've got "the runs"
The hackers were probably looking for a way to uninstall that shit from their computer. If anything they probably could have helped in making Symantic software not such a POS.