
Apparently I/O on the Galaxy S can be a bit retarded (something to do with the file table I heard last). Fortunately, there are a few software fixes for it on the internetz! From what I've seen it rapes nearly everything else in graphics once that's fixed (even without Froyo).

While we're stereotyping based on an infinitesmal sample...

So he decides to do this after pledging his fortune to the poor?

@tyler.derden: you realise of course that its the absolutely gigantic user base that makes Windows a target for hackers/crackers/malware-douches.... right?

@Chewbenator: Its cause he said 'navigate to Starbucks' and there's a few of them. In a case like that you'd have to tell it which one you want to go to. If he said 'Navigate to Starbucks on 5th Ave' for example, it would just navigate to that one without the need for you selecting anything. I've had a lot of fun

@acidrain69: Are you kidding? ITV is a large broadcasting company started in 1955 and an important part of British boradcasting. This is just apple fanboy arrogance at its best

Wow, with that graphic you give the impression that you have some hard facts.... You know, all confirmed and everything.

@wagedomain: Fair enough. A misunderstanding then.

Wow, this is just abysmal.

@wagedomain: Its not so much 'I think its bad' as it wasn't warm enough to walk around in t-shirts.

@wagedomain: You mean this last December/January just gone? The one where we had the worst winter and snowfall in over 30 years?

Apple have simply realised they've opened a massive can of worms, I'm not at all surprised. I quite like the iPhone 4 to be honest and since I don't lose much signal I don't care too much about the issue but they dug themselves a hole in the way they tried to handle it.

AT&T need a bit more competition than Sprint and Verizon wireless, no-one else is big enough quite yet to compete too heavily(not even gonna mention T-mobile US). If they're not under pressure they've got no incentive to lower prices and lure customers. It doesn't help that AT&T has been the iPhone's (an absurdly

@DaSmith: You must be forgetting just how much of the advancement we see comes from 'a British Lab'. What's there to be skeptical about? A British guy invented the electromagnet a hundred and eighty odd years ago, I think they're alright for magnetism.