Daily Drives a Dragon - ripOPPO

This is an interesting thought experiment. I think I’d want everyone else to have to watch a beheading.

Have to include year and type of tail lights or else it’ll destabilize the universe and you’ll summon him multiple times from multiple times in his life.

Nope. But if you have no emissions or safety inspections.....

Nah. ITBs.

Nope but I’m well aware of how horrible they are.

I’m actually ok with these except for the FJ.

I think the actual story was that he managed to escape the giant beaked thing in the sand that Jabba tried to throw Luke in.

I feel that most of us wouldn’t go to live in NY though.

Hey now. What’s so bad with us? Can’t we take road trips too?

CP on the wheels alone.

This is semi-related, but I’m disappointed you can’t drive any of the hatchbacks or the 6x6s in Titanfall 2. I get that’s not the point of it but it would be cool as hell.

I like it.

Holy shit. 3 2000GTs in one place in the wild? THat’s amazing.

They’ve been testing it on their captive laboratory animals (the users on the sub-blogs) for a few weeks.

Why not a Delorean. Got the looks.

His chase run on Forseberg was absolutely insane. Especially on the transition to that last corner he just reeled him in.

I don’t really trust that review because how can I trust someone who ate mayo once. Not on a sandwich. Out of a squeeze bottle

Just get rid of the derby horse. He’s useless anyway and horses are dumb.

I absolutely love the insanity of these. They have positive camber in the rear so it gets more grip as the car squats. Frankly I love FD because of how insane it is.