Daily Drives a Dragon - ripOPPO

Why not a Viper?

I wonder if Dodge could lend him a Hellcat for um... Testing purposes. Aka burnouts in front of the white house.

Wow. Now maybe the next iPhone will have features that android phones didn’t have in 2014.

That one looks like the one that Rutledge wood build on his newest show that wasn’t top gear america

It’s quite a haunter isn’t it.

He drives an Accord obviously.

Well... At least it’s not that terrible yellow color that most Bajas tend to have.

I mean someone had an F type when they first came out.

I was expecting the Kinja’d to push the van.

Me too.

You know the stories are going to be good when the top pic is a B5 S4 wagon.

I support this idea. Let’s circumnavigate the globe in Craigslist beater trucks.

So that’s how he rolled the beetle.

I knew it. He is a sloth.

The real version of that.

Also, the aesthetic mods are well.... Questionable.

Hey. It took courage to make this.

I was wondering when this newest generation was going to begin this.