Daily Drives a Dragon - ripOPPO

Throwing up in someone else’s car is always funny... Until it’s you.

It was part of a EuroNCAP test of small country runarounds if I’m not mistaken.

It was the best crash test I couldn’t find.

What performance cars have Takata airbags?

I realize they’re different models.

Imagine getting impaled by the steering column.

Well.... It’s not that bad. I trust him.

Now playing

How could this possibly be a bad idea? It seems perfectly safe.

Apple stuff isn’t bad but sometimes isn’t the best. I really love the OSX software. I would like some hardware upgradability. The Mac Vs PC and the IOS vs Android debates are entirely different though. My Samsung has a better time with my MBA than my iPhone did.

Yeah. That’s true.

What about a free keyboard?

Yes, keyboards can be made tough. But i don’t want to carry one around. I want my built in one to work.

Computer has never been dropped. Always had a case. Never spilled anything on it either. Thanks for the link

That’s even worse. What I really want is iTunes off my MBA. And while I’m on a bit of a rant, THE KEYBOARD SHOULD BE THE LAST THING TO BREAK. How long have we had keyboards Apple? Instead of reinventing the keys, just give me something reliable.

Will an Apple car automatically ask me if I want to update iTunes?

I’m seriously wondering about the security of their system. They said it’s “passed from vehicle to vehicle on a store and forward basis.” How hard would it be to break it?

Yeah. It’s going to have to be pretty old to not have computers.

And that’s why I have that element blocked.

This ad makes me want to buy a car with no computers at all. No amount of Emojis will make me want a Chevy Cruze. When you’re obviously trying this hard to attract young customers by being #hip and #trendy, you’re not doing it right.

and then drive somewhere from getting off the bus.