“Excuse me, flight attendant, but there’s a lizard in my meal!”
If you had the WEC app and watched the in car feeds you could plainly see the issues. The Nismo was a squirrelly mess. Big time. It seemed barely controllable...certainly no where close to being able to manage all of that power. The handling also looked miserable. The wheel spin nearly constant. Then, when you…
Yeah, sad that BMW is too chickenshit to field a factory team at Le Mans again.
This post is bad and yes, I feel bad.
Something, something 24 Hours of Spoilers something?
Am I doing this right?
The diesel-burning heathens are beaten!
The FIA WEC app has it available for $9.99. I’ve watched the last 22 hours on it. I watched the first few hours on Fox so I could pause the TV as I was was getting my breakfast and waking up to start the 24. The WEC app feed has been perfect. Best $9.99 i’ve spent in a while.
Americans don’t buy Corvettes? And there may be one or two Americans who have heard of Patrick Dempsey.
FOX Sports? Is that you? In the flesh?
Well if you clicked my hyperlink you would find out.
If you’ve ever wondered why someone might skirt the law by using a VPN to circumvent geoblocking or watch a stream put up by a fan with access, this is why. Many of these people would gladly pay for what they are stealing. They’re only stealing it because there’s no way to pay for it.
You obviously have not been watching the race. Fox has cut the feed on the APP (!) several times and has not stuck to its promised schedule. Some of the dropouts seem to have been in total error, flipping to un-commented, silent soccer coverage.
“The 24 Hours of Le Mans, on the other hand, is arguably the most important event in international motorsport.”
Thanks for the hot take Deadspin writer!
I’m so glad I paid the ten bucks for WEC streaming. Fox Sports’ coverage is garbage.