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    I knew someone would know what it is!

    Or the latter ones:

    Didn’t you mean to say notably higher?

    Not convinced about what? Su-25 is the second best in that role after the A-10, and the only other aircraft that could qualify are the ones that are no longer around, like the A-1 Skyraider.

    You forgot that the military doctrine for evading SAMs was to go fast and low, until the losses in 91' and the relative small size of the wars after that made it obsolete, as it was not worth the risk in a small war.

    Great Scot! And I am bothered by that as well. Doc was supposed to be a genius scientist, but he doesn’t seem to know how to properly pronounce measurements.

    A-10 has other merits which are more important: loiter time, slow speed handling and a large loadout.

    The same would’ve happened to the A-10s in the same scenario.

    That could only work in extremely well organised city. We are still pretty far from using autonomous vehicles, especially the airborne ones, on a large scale. Just think of the incredibly complex ATC system required to control those things. Besides, air transport is not efficient on a small scale.

    Shit, I have messed up the time-space continuum.

    They can buy some cheap, second-hand Su-25s under the guise of buying adversary aircraft or target drones.

    The real issue is that A-10s are reaching the end of their service lives, and the budget to replace them or build the new ones does not exist or has been allocated to some dumb and irrelevant projects (and by that, I don’t mean F-35).

    That’s where the other assets come to play. CAS aircraft and helos were never meant to work alone; there is a whole array of SEAD assets supporting them.


    The only reasonable solution are new built A-10s. New wings are only a partial measure, those airframes are several decades old and quite worn out from their heavy use over the last 25 years.

    21 jigawatt

    To be honest, I’ve never liked the idea of flying cars. Hard to make them strong enough for the road and light enough for the air, economy would suck and governing a large number of them would be overly complicated.

    Firepower? Or thrust? I don’t think FAA would let you arm it....

    Interesting, but looks too fragile. I’d take something like this, for a flying car:

    It’s the world’s first airborne armchair.