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    I am not talking, I am writing.

    I accept every criticism for my irrational hatred of NASCAR, there is no apology for it. But, from the objective point of view, NASCAR and NHRA are in the league below the circuit racing, rallying and motocross, even though, in the US, they are above in the terms of popularity and importance. But, here in the UK,

    That is an incredibly nonsense argument.

    Too late, they are here!

    Someone with the username Little Black Coupe. Are you the commenter formerly know as the JakeStingray-something? Asking because of the avatar.

    Archaic beliefs? Have you even bothered to read my comments? Because you are just backing up my opinion with that comment.....

    Yes, I am a misogynist piece of shit!

    Now I’m fucked!

    Allow me to explain:

    I am actually one of those people who think that NHRA and NASCAR are inferior to circuit and rally racing. That doesn’t mean that everyone good in circuit racing would be good at NASCAR (see Kimi), but man, it’s going around in circles/speeding in a straight line! People good at those two cannot represent the majority

    Double/incomplete post. Disregard it.

    Perceptions may vary; mine comes from my personal experiences. I’m pretty sure that in Finland, everyone and their grandma car race cars.

    Women over here are car/motorsport fans and are reasonable in their discussions; women at Jezebel are nutjobs. A couple of times, when a Black Flag/Foxtrot Alpha article I commented on was linked over at Jezebel, I had several dozen notifications from angry feminists from Jezebel when I’ve opened Jalopnik in the

    Exactly, and it applies to both men and women involved. People involved in something would say that they want other people involved in that activity, but the perception of other people towards that activity may be entirely different.

    PS, if this article gets linked over to Jezebel, we are FUBAR.

    I only hear men who want women to be racing drivers. I haven’t yet heard a woman from outside of the world of motorsport (drivers, mechanics, engineers or reporters) say that she wants more female racing drivers.

    I’d rather say it’s a matter of numbers. Let’s say that the percentage of talented future potentials is the same among boys and girls; the number of talented girls, however, is going to be much smaller, simply because not many girls are interested in car racing or cars in general. And because of that, very few of them

    That’s the point I wanted to make while being PC (don’t want to go back into the greys for pissing off the overlords). NHRA is flooring the car-thingy in a straight line, while racing is the real deal. Not saying that the drag racing is a piece of cake, but the human element is much smaller, and yeah, it looks like a

    I’d say that the perception of motorsport (and cars in general) as a male thing is the main culprit. Most of the good racing drivers usually start racing in their teens, and very few teenage girls are petrolheads. And among those who are, not all of them are capable or talented enough to actually do car racing.

    People these days want male-female equality in absolutely everything, without considering how is it going to be achieved. And it can only be achieved if there is a sizeable number of young girls interested in motorsport, with some of them actually being talented and then being able to turn that talent into results.