
Myron Guyton

My name is Envigo Montoya....you dunked on my father’s head at a summer camp....prepare to die.

The hottest takes I believe?

Big whoop.....I put on my full 1985 Cleveland Cavs Mel Turpin kit every time I hit up Goldan Corral, and Adequate Man has yet to dedicate a post to it.

Frankensteiner or GTFO

Did the Warriors “get exposed” and “choke,” or did the they run into the most dominant perimeter player of all time playing the three best games of his career???

Typical Memphis booking - reliance on foreign objects....

I hate this post and everything it represents

Not deterred, the jealous and lonely Uruguay forward who observed the exchange took his best shot: "Ehhhh.....from my vantage point, it kinda looked like mouth-ball..."

2016 St Louis Cardinal Loss of the Year