
I’m worried: I can’t even find the dipstick in my Model Y. Oh, wait . . . .


Were I a benevolent monarch for a day, I would waste it in enacting a 100% ban on speed bumps, public or private. Given that I was the benevolent monarch, I would need give no justification for my actions, but would offer that I did it because I detest the things with all my heart and soul. Roundabouts are a nice

Why would a reasonably built vehicle ever need oil at all. Most electric motors are lubricated for life. I don’t get this at all.

I assumed from the beginning that he saw the NBC logo and went after the reporter for his comany’s tendency to say generally true things about generally defensive people and their actions.

The author, and several of the commenters, are woefully behind the times. The emerging cadre of electric cars are aggressively capable of exceeding any speed limit you care to impose, with normal driving ranges reaching or exceeding those of petro-fueled vehicles. Charging times are decreasing, as well, to a point

I miss the pit exits with the trailing fuel hoses. That was fun. I’m not a very nice person.

You win the good thinker of the day award. Tesla stock is up 6% or more this week. As with most successful manufacturers, in truth they are international. Factories in China and Germany will be spreading the brand.

Actually, it’s not clear that the FSD feature HAS gotten anybody in trouble. FSD is only available so far to small numbers of beta testers. It is not the same as the widely available Autopilot, which is not reliable enough (nor claimed to be) to operate without driver attention. The FSD represents a total rethink and

There are some nice internal accoutrements that will please some and go unnoticed by others. There are claims of better sound deadening, a killer audio system, high performance infotainment system for top-level gaming (I guess that’s important?) and a very high tech electric motor drive train, even compared with

Irrelevantly, I object also to the people who vandalized or toppled the Confederate monuments. They should be removed, but based on the decisions of those elected to make them. I also never liked mobs doing anything, like pulling down the goalposts at football games. Wanton destruction is just not cool.

Only problem I’ve had with Noah is that the Guide did not list his guests ahead of each show, for some reason presumably unrelated to the change in venue.

Maybe if they pronounced it “Detwa” it would take on more class?

OT Yeah, but why does offstage brass tend to sound flat?

I have been known to try to join into the conversation. :-) Although it doesn’t warrant a police call, I have noticed that, although you can speak over the phone as if you were standing right next to the other party, often people tend to speak much more loudly. To one who can only hear one end of the call, it is

Those who can distinguish between a religion and a cult have simply not yet come to the ultimate realization yet. Admittedly, some cults are less harmful than others.

Foretasted? I don’t undestrand.

Ohhhhhh, Yeahhhhh!

Are the animals still on board? What a mess.

In this case, the actions taken in the plane should have, if the pilot were qualified and the plane in flying shape, been totally safe. In a way, you could just report this as a flying accident, independent of the reason for it. In other gender reveal tragedies, people were doing clearly unsafe things.