
Without analog triggers all racing games on the Switch are diminished.

> and a long warranty makes for a pretty excellent value

These days $20k for a nicely restored _anything_ seems like a NP.

AM radio has an absolutely massive transmission range, especially at night. A tower several states (or countries!) away can be used to broadcast emergency information.

The vast majority of Kroger are pretty bad. I find most people that like Kroger happen to live near a nice one or all their Krogers were a local chain bought up recently. Either that or they are used to bad grocery stores.

There are quite a few under crossings along LSD, just not everywhere.

I think in the USA backup cameras are required on all new cars. It phased in by MSRP over some number of years but I think it is all cars now.

I dunno about your car but the ones I have driven with it allow it to be toggled on and off. It is really nice when you are driving a long distance and keep coming across people who don’t use cruise control at all. The 1-2 mph fluctuations can be super annoying without it.

I am surprised nobody mentioned keypad/code entry. I have it on my truck and I absolutely love it.

Then clearly two seconds is too close.

I was super excited for it and preordered the tri motor model ASAP. I think it looks amazing and was so excited to get one. I canceled my preorder because the F-150 Lightning just makes so much more sense and is much more affordable. Plus it actually exists.

> 11 years ago

It is pretty common for flight staff to use the first bins behind first class because their dedicated bins (when present) do not have enough space.

My wife was so excited about it and then got so sad when she realized the SWB was not coming to the US. Also why are the rear seats not removable?

I assume it is similar to the switchable magnetic hold downs used in metalworking.

I am guessing there is a pin that selects the orientation based on voltage. The resistor must be faulty and shift value enough as temperature changes to cause it to switch to a different orientation.


I just got back from Hawaii and had a Honda rental car. The lane keep assist and adaptive cruise control were both quite nice. I used the ACC all the time and would toggle on the LKA any time I wanted to gawk at stuff like a tourist. Both worked pretty smooth except on occasion the ACC would continue braking for a

This doesn’t apply to you. This is needed because of the loopholes people with this much money use. They will use their stocks as collateral on extremely long term low interest loans. Instead of selling the stock and paying taxes, they pay a smaller % of it, often as part of estate settling after they die. This is how

That sign is for the lane to the left of the pillars.