In America, we can build weapons. We aren’t British.
In America, we can build weapons. We aren’t British.
It’s great to see someone building a rail gun, instead of assembling a crappy clock.
the guy in the first picture, with the deer antlers, was the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand, the guy who was assasinated starting WWI. He was famous in his lifetime for having shot and documented the killing of more animals than any other human. He shot over 375,000 animals during his lifetime, hence all the antlers.
Well one thing the F-35 pilot can brag about, his plane costs a lot more.
I’ve only gotten one Pentakill, and it happened after my character had been killed, all 5 enemy deaths happened after he was killed...... How so? ..... Teemo. I got em all with a massive shroom patch. Of course it happened during a team fight so they were already low. I had thought they might walk over there....
or better yet, you could make a Romeo and Juliet without the whole romance thing, make the two a pair of theives who rob the evil noble families in their native city.
Blizzard’s approach to every game, “Make it easier.”
I say this all the time in League of Legends.
Well... if you have ever played Team Fortress or TF2, then you are familiar with the engineer class who can build a turret. Basically, Heimer doing the same thing, he builds a turret. So techie= Engineer. Get it?
My first system was a Sears Pong system in the 70s. The Atari 2600 was a huge step up. Kids today.......
I play LOL and use Team Builder all the time. It may have had issues in the past, but it is very rare that I wait more than 2-3 minutes on a match. And I would much rather do that, than go through the grime of who gets to do what.
well the Apollo spacecraft left earth’s orbit at almost 40,000 mph or 8 times that speed.
I'm holding out for a game in which you die, people come to your house and shoot you.
I bought a "Steve Jobs" i-Lighter in China for about 50 cents. Pretty slick. I still can't figure out why this product isn't sold in the States. Is Apple holding out on us?
yeah but who wants to wait a week for a cable? Or God forbid you order on Amazon and accidentally order from one of the MANY chinese stores on the site. That's happened to me twice..... Yeah I know check the shipping/arrival date... but sometimes you forget.