I clicked this link SOLELY to say that our imaginations are vivid enough to figure out what these videos look like WITHOUT continuing to sap the dignity out of this poor woman.
Jesus, what is UP with this school?? Did they build it over the grave of a pedophile with unfinished business or something??
Am I the only one who thought the Asian kid was NOT saying the word "bigger?" O_O
I had a super-early layover in Amsterdam once (I think it was Amsterdam?), and there were chaise lounges everywhere! I had a long wait for my connecting flight, so I set an alarm and took a nap in front of one of the large windows overlooking the tarmac.
Ha!! A++
I'm not gonna lie, I didn't even notice the company. I was too busy re-hinging my jaw because that girl was so goddamn sexy. Also my eyes were too busy rolling into the back of my head after the bad punchline to notice the actual company name afterward.
Shit, you just found me a new annual hobby. Puttin' February 13th on the map. Thank you!
Yeah, I'm certain we're on the same team here! It really is just semantics, but yes, I do feel very strongly about the way feminists represent themselves, particularly in a public forum. I know it's a lot of walking-on-eggshells PC stuff, but it's important that we take as much precaution when addressing men as we ask…
Man, thanks for getting my back! I was thinking I was alone on this, too.
I guess we're talking about semantics, then? What is the difference between a "group of men" and a "group of individual men?" I imagine when men read sentences that start with "men do..." they don't see the difference, either. Like me, they probably hear "ALL men do..." because how else could they possibly read that?…
Maybe I wasn't clear enough? I agree with your first sentence, absolutely! However I STRONGLY dislike the amount of people saying "MEN do this..." It's a weak statement and a very insulting generalization. And yes, it does separate us as two genders working toward different goals (which is incredibly unfair to the…
I hate hate hate the "us vs. them" viewpoint. It just strengthens the distance between men and women.
Haha, it's okay, it just helped me get over him faster!
Awwww, you and @moralslinky, thanks a lot! Way to make this girl blush all over. :)
Talking about orgasms on Jezebel is my OTHER job.
Oh it was pretty fantastic! He Facebook messaged three of my best friends, one of which he'd never even met, to tell them what an awful human being I was (because I'd started dating someone new three months after what I thought was an amicable break-up), and somehow added in there that he had finally made me "a woman"…
WORD. All the worst fingerings of my life have been given to me by men desperately trying to prove that they can find my Holy Grail that all of the "inferior" men before him had failed to find. It's sex, dude, not find-the-quarter-behind-the-couch-cushion.
I'm right there with you. Luckily I've learned to tell my partners that I don't orgasm from vaginal penetration (although it feels like one long, dulled-down orgasm the whole time and I looooove it).
Hey, wow, this is actually news to me! Do you know of any articles you can link to about this? I'd read the hell out of them.