Flour factory, maybe... but only if it was an artisanal, free-range, non-GMO, vegan fertilizer, de-glutinezed flour factory :) The rest of your points stand.
He's probably like a cowboy, with a gun on each hip.
when you're at the airport you can't help but notice that "love actually IS all around."
Thanks, I'll bet you need a drink after that lot. :O Yes, the prices I quoted was Aus dollars. Thanks for your efforts!
What constitutes an American car? A Mexican-built Chevy? An Opel? A US-built BMW? What if a car is assembled by an American-based manufacturer in the US, but the components are transferred in such a way that most of the profit is realized internationally?
yes because you can be a 100% certain that if you buy an american nameplate, that the car is actually manufactured in america... right??
Just don't expect power seats if you get the Grand Sport Vitesse. They're manual all the way in order to save weight. I think that's hilarious and so should you.
And the nineteenth thing: If you experience an erection lasting longer than four hours, contact a medical professional or exit the Veyron.
The glove box bit is comedy. You know, because it is cross promotion for a movie.
Have you ever considered that people sometimes go to the movies to be entertained and not to see a factual documentary? I plan to go see Planes this weekend, and I can promise I will not walk out of the theater saying "I CANNOT FUCKING BELIEVE I JUST PAID $14 FOR THESE LIES, DON'T THESE IDIOTS KNOW THAT PLANES CAN'T…