
I used to do pre-employment psychological exams for corrections officers. Obviously not the same job, but in the LE field. It is WILD what people will admit during this evaluation. Like you said, the tests are interpreted by people, and people can make mistakes. Also, in the department I worked for, Wardens could out

Do police departments actually do that?  I remember several years ago there was that cop in like Cleveland who killed a kid playing with a toy gun.  He had been fired from a previous police department because they concluded that he didn’t have the right composure to be a police officer and handle situations involving

A coroner. A pathologist. Anyone who needs to move your body.

I’d give that credit to MTV’s The Real World.

Never thought I’d vote against vapes, but influencers are undeniably worse.

Why does “me too” have to be “we too” before people are investigated? When will single accusations be heard and treated with respect?

At the very least, it looked like a tort to me. 

Yeah, pretty sure a loving husband wouldn’t smack/grab another woman’s ass with or especially without consent. And let me guess, at least one of his kids is a daughter, so he’s implicitly teaching her that her body doesn’t belong to her, but to any man who wants to get a handful.

“My name is Tommy Callaway, and I managed to have a long, intimate relationship with an adult woman and raise two little girls without ever once considering how fucked up it is to treat a woman’s body like public property. That proves what a good guy I am, right?”

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

The fact that he lawyered up instead of just apologizing really says a lot.

“Tommy is a loving husband and father.”

he, “did not act with any criminal intentions”

She married a conservative nut job, Ben Domenech. Any of that McCain bucking the system and being more of a “centrist” died with her dad.

I remember a time when I wanted to believe she could change the Republican party for the better. Those times are over. 

Exactly. There should be proof, but there just isn’t any. I’ve scoured youtube, just to see. She can say bon jour and then switches to English. Why would you do that if you were actually fluent? Jacqueline Kennedy was ALL ABOUT proving on camera that she could speak French. I’m sure the Trudeaus and Macrons had this

I promise you that her WH staff does not have an easy time. Even if they don’t have as much to do as other staffers, there is nothing about Melania that strikes me as being “good to the help.”

She’s too old for them, but I’m sure some of Epstein’s trash hangers-on wanted to bang models.

Come on man...she's WAY too old for those two. 

I came here just to say that I do not believe that she speaks all the languages she says she does. Look for footage of Melanie having a conversation in French or Italian, even when she is in countries where those languages are spoken, and she never gets past hello. It is just another lie that no one has time to