
They lie so much that they no longer recognize the truth.

What I find funny about the idea of “triggered libs” is that the entire modern conservative movement is really based around people being triggered by relatively minor things.  I mean, what is Trump’s candidacy being based on other than people getting freaked out because some people with slightly darker skin are moving

I mean, really none of the fraudulent practices the Trump’s engage in are pioneered by them. They aren’t that smart or creative, they are just the most craven, shameless and open about their fraud. 

Triggered was surprisingly a well-written book. It was nuanced, and highly erudite, with some poignant, thought-provoking points— I’ve been informed that I’m actually reading the nutrition facts on the back of a salt shaker, my mistake.

I’m way more concerned that it’s in the nonfiction section than anything else.

You’re probably right but I wish she’d just say she’s not running. I don’t think giving self-flattering and cagey responses to flex her muscles is exactly helpful either. 

ok boomer

So you’re saying that Americans aren’t really bothered by sexual creeps?

Under the religious logic, viable doesn’t mean what you think it means. They operate basically on the dichotomy of dead fetus or not dead fetus. Because miracles. So they will wait up until the very last possible moment, until the mother’s life is in imminent danger, before they act. That’s the only way they can

Same reason Bryan Singer, etc. will never see a day in jail. He generates money.

Why the fuuuuuck do people still support this monster?

I don’t give a fuck that they fired everyone, that location should still be boycotted.

This one is what keeps me up at night:

I don’t want him dead.

Stroked out and vegetative? Yes please. 

This is still my favorite

Googling “baby trump crying” is like a gift, so much to choose from...

“Florida Man Dies on Toilet, Mid-Tweet” and variations thereupon are most welcome.

I think that comparison is extremely unfair to Al Capone. Sure, he might have had a lot of guys killed, but he didn’t put kids in cages by the thousands.

Because everyone in NYC hates him?