
He thinks it’s a Big Mac box and he can’t figure out how to open to get the hamberder out.

I could be wrong here but what she describes is attempted rape or atleast sexual assault. NDA’s don’t cover criminal activities. That’s how the Weinsteins of the world operate. Victim’s ignorance of the law and scare tactics. She could have filed a police report even if she signed an NDA.

There’s something missing between ‘did a bad thing for a stupid reason’ and ‘Woody home to her farm’. I’m assuming Woody is the cat.

As a Dallasite, this woman is embarrassing as hell and looking for attention. Maybe this is her audition for Real Housewives of Dallas. Please stop giving her dumb ass any attention.

Is Katie the one without the mask?

Exactly, I’ve never understood why people claim he’s a germaphobe. Watch his public behavior. If he were a germaphobe he wouldn’t be shaking hands let alone yanking people close to him in the process. He wouldn’t be close talking to people.

I’m not seeing one wearing pants. The second from the left (purple shirt) has a dark skirt with dark hose. I can’t imagine any conservative woman would wear pants on Fox or anywhere else. The one that surprises me is the blond with the SLEEVELESS red dress. How dare she! Harlot! /s

I post this every time the woman’s name comes up, but she is married to Jonathan Cain of Journey. He is onboard with this sh!t too, which saddens me to no end.

Season 4 was in 2013, making her at least 7 years old, likely 8 years old or older. RIP Beatrice.

I’ve seen it a couple of times and thought it was a skin care line.

Having worked for a boss that started writing me up for lies and minor things after bringing something to the attention of higher ups, I believe her. All of this sounds familiar. At least she has the money to take them to court. A lot employees don’t have that option.

Creeps with money. 

Are we sure Chapman and Weinstien are divorced? I hadn’t heard and assumed she was staying married to him so she wouldn’t have to testify against him. We would find out she DID know what he was doing but wants to save her “brand”. No way this cunt didn’t know he is a monster.

I disagree. Weinstein has been a big contributor to Democratic candidates. I think The Turtle and the other Repugs will definitely try to stop that move. I’m pretty sure The Big Orange Turd will heed them. This time.

Not complaining but why is Keanu there? Did he present?

Marriage Story is about how lawyers ruin everything, even an amicable divorce.

Too bad his young daughter was also killed.

Isn’t this woman married to Journey keyboard player Jonathan Cain?

At some point she had decent eyebrows. Was she coloring them?

Right? If this teacher is male, this is likely a fantasy of his.