
Not so fast with the “even Simon Cowell is not being an arsehole” business. Cowell knows the televised concert will draw millions, he’s avoiding a ratings drop for his show. I doubt he’s doing it as a good deed, even though his people are probably making it out to be.

He avoids shaking hands with women because he doesn’t like to acknowledge their power.

I had a boss like that...

The idiots that voted for Cheeto did so because they were tired of career polititians.

Tabbie are stupid and lack ambition. Keen ability to chase red dots does not a President make.

Pretty sure Chuck Berry should be going where Ailes is going.

There those that think (or thought initially) that this was set up for publicity. I know I thought that because this family is shameless.

Totally off topic, but holy hell Viggo looked so hot as Aragorn. Thanks for the reminder.

He’s not a democrat and that’s all that matters.

This is true. I was surprised when the 5 Dallas police officers were gunned down here because our police chief (at the time) was a stern and well respected by all African American. The trial may be as expected though.

The Horse in The Gray Flannel Suit. Kurt was hot.

Right there with ya. I sat through the HR Puffnstuff Movie because of Jack Wild.

I like Jennifer Lopez a little bit more now.

This is in my neck of the woods - outside Dallas. While Im impressed that they fired him, I bet the reason for the firing is lying on a report, not murder of an innocent child like it should be.

She had to pay to see this doctor, other docs in the area may not have been on her insurance. Lots of financial reasons why this lady wouldn’t change doctors. That said, I work in hospital risk management. I’m glad she’s public about this. There’s way too much bad behavior and policy violations that go on in teaching

Just a guess, McGorry is on Netflix, not Hulu. He’s probably worried about tweeting something about a show on a competing streaming service.

The only thing she actually, truly knows is that he didn’t drug and sexually assault/rape her. That’s it. It boggles my mind when people, women especially, come out and say some rapist didn’t rape anyone because they didn’t rape them.

Even when he smiles, it looks like he’s pulling a face for the camera.