
Same here. Mom's break with reality happened when I was 12. She was diagnosed Schizo/Paranoid (at least that what her meds were usually prescribed for) When she was awake she was accusing everyone in the world of being against her. She thought the government was after her, including having bugged the house, so she

Kristen Stewart is a huge sourpuss who has complained not only about invasion of her privacy (which I understand) but had the nerve to complain about not having to audition anymore (on Graham Norton). She's the industry that she's worked in since a child and continues to do so. She's insufferable all around.

My guess is that they name her after Diana but not Diana. Her middle name was Frances so I'm going with Frances. Frances Carole (Kate's mothers name). Final answer.

I loved him in London Boulevard. The movie itself was very disjointed - two story lines both with him in them. It was like watching two movies with the same star.

Farrell's first Hollywood film, Tigerland, was great and he was great in it. In Bruges, definitely his best but he's done solid work mixed with bombs that were not entirely his fault.

I know this is in Illinois but FWIW, Texas is a one party state (one party to the conversation can record).

Sara Foster is an actress who has done TV and Film. I remember her from The Big Bounce with Owen Wilson.

I found it but for some reason I can't paste it. Anyway, it's on CNN. It shows a woman named Shannon Stoddard, she's the one interviewed.

Access to prey?

Feral cats also control the rat (and other vermin) population.

This is in Austin County, near Houston, not Austin.

Was this City Pet in Dallas? I took both cats and dogs there and my dog was treated great but my cats weren't. They don't seem to like cats (or don't care them). Now I go to a cats only vet and love it there even though it's really far to drive.

There was a news report on one of the articles I read (i'll try to find it), there ARE people who are defending her saying she's a great a vet and that this "mistake" of "posting something on Facebook" shouldn't cost her her job (because to the woman saying this, the problem isn't that she killed a pet cat with an

If she comes from a wealthy family she most likely doesn't have debt.

There are already two petitions to get her fired (change.org and ipetitions).

I'd venture a guess that the clerk isn't the one who owns the towing company nor makes the call on who gets towed so shouldn't have the subject of Britt's vitriol.

There is NO EXCUSE for her abuse of the clerk. The microphone on the camera probably didn't pick up what clerk was saying because of the thick plexiglass between them. I would imagine that the clerk has to contend with idiot's like Britt all the time not to mention that the reason for the camera and plexiglass is to

I might buy this if she was a regular person but as someone in news/broadcasting, surely she knew cameras come with microphones.

I didn't get it either :/

They can be very helpful can't they.... (picture won't copy dang it)