
My third job (a job I got through a school work program for credit), was an office job. I was 17. The owner of the office (an accountant) slapped me on the ass on my first day. I went home and told my mother who promptly called the school and raised hell about them sending young girls to places like that. I never

I guess what I meant was an older man who only dates 18-19 year olds would rather have a 14 year old but settles for the youngest legal age.

You mean "predilection"?

Keeping it quarantined and testing it for Ebola is hardly "research". I'm against animal testing too, but this is one dog they want to kill "just to be safe". That's not a good enough reason to me.

He was so very hot back in the day...

Don't forget these

No, a woman can be attractive and not be bimbo. By bimbo type I mean women that value their looks and sex appeal over their intelligence. Clooney dated Krista Allen (soft porn actress), Sarah Larson (Vegas "hostess" and sometime cocktail waitress), Elisabetta Canalis (Italian "working" girl - look her up, she has

I don't know, something about this whole relationship strikes me as not being genuine. He dates bimbo types for years. Just broke up with the last one about a year ago, then this chick shows up and he's engaged a couple of months later. Something in the milk ain't clean. Running for office? Finally realized he's

Where is this from?

Here's another photo of Cam Esposito.

They were popular in 60's and 70's.

This is exactly what I was thinking. She was getting back at them because she didn't get her way. She's not delusional, she's not mental, she's a mean, spoiled adult woman.

They're definitely shady when the get older

This reminds me of Chinese film I saw a couple of years ago called A Stolen Life. There's a guy who dates women (mostly very young) specifically to get them pregnant and then sell the child to the highest bidder when the mother is away. Then he moves on. It was a great story and very well made film but

Agree. I jog and this happens more often than not, especially with woman.

Was he an asshole from the get go? Psychopath. Was he charming and helpful at first? Sociopath.

This describes Histrionic people. They are talkative (mostly about themselves), dominate conversations, turn everything into something about them. They may miss social cues to shut up (i.e. a bored listener) but they can't deal with no interaction for very long. I totally get what you're saying MeiTai, I work with

I respectfully disagree with Mother Ru. Plenty of fucked up people are in relationships and/or are married with kids. I'm not saying those are healthy relationships but they are in relationships/marriages.

This is exactly how a woman I work with is. I think she's a Histrionic Narcissist. She's loud and charming but I made the mistake of befriending her when I started working there. You don't realize it at first. They "test" the waters so to speak. They see how much they can get away with. If you don't call them on

It was an "x". It's gone now.