Thompson Twins.
Thompson Twins.
Love Spreads.
Jb’s. The grunt. Pixies. I’ve been tired - this song came on in the car today and I rocked it.
So, I don’t listen to the news much, because I’d like to keep what’s left of my sanity at least on days when I’m trying to get something done. I have been trying to think, though, about when the last time was we had someone as egregious as Trump get this far on the national stage, and it seems to me it was Wallace.…
I’m looking California, and feeling Minnesota.
I’ve often said that Anthrax is the one of the few bands that can actually put up excellent covers. Especially since they’re a heavy/thrash metal band.
Oh god I forgot how fun this band is.
Leroy Sibbles. Love won’t come easy. Produced by Augustus Pablo. 1979.
Maybe some people cried for Freddie.
This dead guy didn’t cry. But the other guy’s voice kinda broke a little.
Reuben Wilson - Bus Ride
Since we are playing things loud...
Even if it sometimes stretches into strange places.
They’re somewhat at odds with Tim’s selection for tonight.
So when’s the Commenting Tournament?
Superman. Superhero or Metaphor? Hard to say. All I know is there’s a lot of songs about the dude of steel with many trying to do him in. I dig this one: Superman’s Dead. Apropos of nothing. Randomness.
Need noise. Guitar Wolf has noise.
No one reminds me more of India Arie than this lady.