
This x100. He was on his radio almost every lap complaining that he couldn’t stop and had the pedal to the floor. Being able to “stop” is a key function of the car - it was inevitable that he was going to put someone, or himself, into the wall.

Sorry but having watched the whole race, Jr had almost no business even being out there. He was complaining just about every lap that he couldn’t slow down and had the brakes on the floor - him crashing into someone was inevitable. If you cant stop your car without running other racers off the track - take it to the

I’ll probably be the only one taking her side but I have no idea why Junior was even on the track at this point. He’d been complaining for the previous 15-20 minutes about not having brakes at all - resulting from his forgetting to turn on the brake fans at the start of the race. He was pounding on the brakes and had

“Maybe *thats* the cell phone I’m looking for...”

Award for New Sustainable Parking and Transportation Facilities Excellence”

How much longer will it be before people stop trying to convince me that Melissa McCarthy is hilarious...?

Exactly. Reminds me of people who buy near an airport and then demand they enact noise supression policies...

And now the NYSE halted all trading at 11:30 because of “technical issues”...yeesh.

Yeah I dont either - unless the point was to create say an unsecure ticketing area with thousands of people just standing around? Hopefully this was just a glitch though.

I still have no idea what happened on that first corner kick - was it just a terrible play, a bad cross, no idea. It just landed in the box like no one had any idea it was coming.

Not even three weeks ago a DDOS attack grounded a small Polish airline - LOT Airlines - in something that sounds remarkably similar (prevented aircraft from receiving pre-flight reports). Here’s hoping that wasnt whoever just testing the waters.

I wondered about that too. If you have a wreck like that in the front of the pack - it completely decimates the catch fence. As it did and as it should. But what happens in a situation where the pileup behind it then sends more debris into the stands - there was literally nothing left of that fence after Dillon’s car

Now playing

I’d argue its farther back than that. Having been at this game, I’m a little biased maybe - but Bornsteins goal in the 95th minute against Costa Rica...

Shows what I know, I’ve watched that replay probably 50 times and always thought Ian said “Goal, goal, USA”

Really good point here and something that has been overlooked - in fact I think it was only mentioned once, briefly, during the broadcast of the COL game.

More like “kick and walk at an increased pace....”

There was better camera work and more production value in that 43 seconds of video than in 4 days of FOX broadcasting the US Open.

Wambach has been two steps slower than every other player on the field throughout the WC. She seems to just be running around waiting to cherry pick a good header and contributing zero else. Yes she scored once, great. But in one case yesterday she bowled into another US player trying to get to a header and the

Norman had a couple of classics.

It was inexcusable to have such poor camera work this weekend. The announcers I will mostly give a pass because it is hard as shit to come together as an announcing team and this being their first time out - they get a pass from me for now.